How can we maintain high levels of focus and motivation?
How can we boost our creativity?
How do transform ourselves from dreamers to achievers?
by defeating our
Discover your brainblocks!
Brainblocks \’brānbläks\ n. pl. 1 The hidden barriers to success. 2 The habits of highly ineffective people. 3 A book that will transform you from dreamer to achiever.
The workbook is a supplement to your copy of Brainblocks.
It is an additional tool to help you master the 49 strategies included in the book that will put you on the fast lane to success!
I am neuropsychologist and have served as a clinician, researcher, professor, speaker, and trainer.
I spent many years studying the science behind what I do, teaching courses, writing books and articles, conducting studies, training other professionals, creating new approaches, and helping people take action.
As a life-long learner I learned what makes some people get stuck and others push through. What works and what’s a waste of time. What helps dreamers become achievers.
I'm sharing this knowledge with you to help you find your balance and build the life you want.